America is rotten at its core! This is why racism/white supremacy won't die; this is why this country has always taken issue with the Other. For this rant, sometimes I will generalize for the sake of argument. Lets look at the 17th century, rich Europeans arrived in America, and began importing enslaved Africans. From that point on, Africans were not considered humans to say the least, and worked and enriched the already rich...Fast forward, 18th century, poor destitute Europeans facing plagues and famine looked for a better life and better opportunities for their families (sounds familiar?). These folk fled their countries where they were treated terribly, not because of their color but because they were poor and had no status. They catch the first thing smokin' out of Europe, land on these shores and realize that they are no longer Irish (or any other ethnic group that came from Europe) but that they were white, and those OTHER people, black folk, were now less than them, and they then proceeded to treat them how they were treated back in Europe, even worse. So lets continue to fast forward, the Chinese wanted a better life, and better opportunities (sounds familiar?) and tried to head West for jobs on the railroad etc., then these same white folk who came here for better opportunities were now putting laws in place to prevent others from achieving what they had, like its not enough for everybody! Additionally, some of our Hispanic/Latinx parents and/or grandparents did what, glad you asked, some illegally some legally came to America, for what, you guessed it, a better life, and better opportunities for their families (sounds familiar?). Just as an aside, some of our Latinx/Hispanic brothers and sisters despise black folk, calling them lazy, looking for handouts etc. when it was their struggle and fight for equality that gave them all the rights they enjoy, but I digress. Now all of a sudden, but really not suddenly, people in America have the audacity to be disgusted with Haitians trying to come to America to do what...provide a better life for their families . When almost every person in America, except for my ancestors who were enslaved and brought here, have come to The Land of Opportunity to make a better life for their families. Lets not even go into how the Native Americans were exterminated, because they were "in the way" of progress. This is America, its core is rotten, and until that is fixed, the America where equality and justice for all reigns, and that American Dream that people are dying for, will remain elusive, and unity and acceptance of the other will hide in the dark until it is safe to come out.